Project home page > Changelog
Planned features
See the GitHub “Features” project.
Based on PyWriter v12.16.8
Based on PyWriter v12.4.1
- New arc points in yw7 are assigned a different color when converting to aeonzip.
- New arc points in yw7 are no longer assigned to the “Narrative” arc when converting to aeonzip.
- Arc points existing in aeonzip are not synchronized with yw7.
Based on PyWriter v12.1.2
- Reduce the memory use by discarding the docstrings on building.
Based on PyWriter v12.1.2
Based on pyWriter v12.1.0
- Process unspecific date (day/hour/minute).
Based on pyWriter v11.0.2
- Fix a bug where events are doubled on updating aeonzip when scenes have been changed to “Normal” type.
- Fix JSONDecodeError handling.
Based on pyWriter v10.0.1
- Fix a “KeyError” that might occur when writing events to aeonzip.
Based on pyWriter v10.0.1
- Fix a bug where scene arc assignments are not merged before writing events to aeonzip.
Based on pyWriter v10.0.1
- The scenes_only parameter only affects the creation of new scenes, but not the update.
- Put all new scenes into the same new chapter.
- Add v2 features missing in v3.1
Based on pyWriter v10.0.1
- Update the code for PyWriter v9+
Based on pyWriter v10.0.1
- Make it run on old Windows versions.
Based on PyWriter v8.0.11
Downgrade from v3.0.2 due to a regression that takes some time to fix.
Based on PyWriter v8.0.10
- Remove “shebang” line to make the script run with Python 3.11 under Windows.
Based on PyWriter v9.0.5
- Code optimization and library update.
Based on PyWriter v9.0.4
- Code optimization and library update.
- Fix a bug where attempting to save a write-protected file raises an uncaught exception.
- Extend localization.
Based on PyWriter v8.0.8
v1.8.3 Bugfix release
- Fix a bug where the program aborts silently due to an unhandled exception.
Based on PyWriter v7.4.9
Based on PyWriter v7.4.1
- Fix error messages.
- Extend German translations.
Based on PyWriter v7.2.1
- Add internationalization according to GNU coding standards.
- Provide German localization.
- Update novelyst Plugin for novelyst v0.36 API.
Based on PyWriter v7.2.1
v1.6.3 Update setup script
- Change the working dir to the script dir on startup in order to avoid “file not found” error.
Based on PyWriter v5.18.0
v1.6.2 Improved setup
- Catch exceptions in the setup script.
Based on PyWriter v5.18.0
v1.6.1 Sort created events
When creating events from scenes without date/time, sort them in reading order.
Based on PyWriter v5.16.1
v1.6.0 Major update
In Aeon, use the characters’ simple names instead of their full names that might not exist.
Please note: In existing timelines to be synchronized with yWriter, please delete all
Characters and then update from yWriter once. This will recreate all the characters and
their relationships with their correct names.
Based on PyWriter v5.16.1
v1.4.2 Improved word counting
- Fix word counting considering ellipses.
Based on PyWriter v5.12.4
v1.4.1 Improved word counting
- Fix word counting considering comments, hyphens, and dashes.
Based on PyWriter v5.12.3
- Update story arc information.
Based on PyWriter v5.10.0
- Optionally add a “moon phase” event property.
- Update the moon phase, if defined as event property.
- Provide a novelyst plugin.
Based on PyWriter v5.6.1
- Fix a bug in the setup script where the sample configuration file is not installed.
Based on PyWriter v5.0.2
Fix a bug that may cause problems if a timeline has multiple eras.
Based on PyWriter v5.0.2
- Fix a bug where “To do” chapters cause an exception.
- Rework the user interface.
- Refactor the code.
Based on PyWriter v5.0.0
v0.34.8 Bugfix update
- Fix a bug where the viewpoint may change when synchronizing.
- Add Windows context menu entries.
Based on PyWriter v3.32.3
v0.34.7 Support non-Windows OS
- Move installation and configuration to another location (see instructions for use).
Based on PyWriter v3.28.1
v0.34.6 Change the compression method
- Compress .aeonzip files when writing.
Based on PyWriter v3.28.1
v0.34.5 Enable non-Windows operation
- Catch an exception that is thrown when evaluating a Windows environment variable under a non-Windows OS.
Based on PyWriter v3.28.1
v0.34.4 Bugfix beta release
Fix a bug where the duration can be calculated incorrectly if it is given with months.
Based on PyWriter v3.28.1.
v0.34.3 Bugfix beta release
Fix a bug where the duration can be calculated incorrectly if it is given with years and months.
Based on PyWriter v3.28.1.
v0.34.2 Bugfix beta release
Fix a bug where the sort order may be mixed up when creating user defined properties.
Based on PyWriter v3.28.1.
v0.34.1 Create new Aeon UIDs in a non-random way
Now updated .aeonzip files can be compared with reference data.
Based on PyWriter v3.28.1.
v0.34.0 Update yWriter characters, locations, and items from Aeon
- Add new characters, locations, and items, if assigned to events.
- Update relationships to characters, locations, and items.
Based on PyWriter v3.28.1.
v0.32.1 Update deleted events from Aeon
- Mark scenes “unused” if the associated event is deleted in Aeon.
Based on PyWriter v3.28.1.
v0.32.0 Update characters/locations/items and relationships from yWriter
- Add new characters, locations, and items from yWriter, if assigned to scenes.
- Update existing characters, locations, and items from yWriter.
- Update event relationships (roles) from yWriter.
- Remove events if the associated scene is deleted in yWriter.
Based on PyWriter v3.28.1.
- Updating “Notes” scenes is optional now.
- Create scenes from new events when updating yw7.
- Update scene descriptions and tags in both directions.
- Append event notes to scene notes when updating yw7.
- Add missing types and roles when updating the timeline.
- Check whether there is an “AD” era.
- Update the sample templates.
Based on PyWriter v3.28.0.
v0.28.0 Update scene type in both directions
- Update yWriter scene type from Aeon.
- Update event assignment to “Narrative” arc from yWriter.
Based on PyWriter v3.28.0.
v0.26.0 Update event date/time/duration from yWriter
- Update event date/time/span from yWriter, if the start year is 100 or above.
Based on PyWriter v3.28.0.
v0.24.0 Optional beta release
Same functionality as v0.22.2.
Make the project independent from the paeon library.
Based on PyWriter v3.28.0.
v0.22.2 Beta release
Enhance Aeon 2 update from yWriter
- Add “Arc” type, if missing.
- Add “Narrative” arc, if missing.
Based on paeon v0.14.2 and PyWriter v3.28.0.
v0.22.1 Beta bugfix release
- Fix a bug where “Trash” scenes are converted to events.
- Fix a bug where unreadable timelines are generated if there is no “Narrative” arc.
Based on paeon v0.14.1 and PyWriter v3.28.0.
v0.22.0 Beta release
- Make the colors keyword arguments.
- Create events not assigned to an arc from “Notes” scenes.
- Do not create events from unused and “Trash” scenes.
- Check source and target for ambiguous titles.
Based on paeon v0.14.0 and PyWriter v3.28.0.
v0.20.0 Beta release
- Abandon the “Viewpoint” property.
- Abandon the “Scene” property. Scene events are to be assigned to the “Narrative” arc.
- Synchronize existing Aeon project
- Scene date/time/duration is updated when scene titles match.
- Generate events from new scenes and assign them to the “narrative” arc.
Based on paeon v0.12.0 and PyWriter v3.28.0
v0.18.0 Beta release
- Synchronize existing yWriter project: Scene date/time/duration is updated when scene titles match.
Based on paeon v0.10.3 and PyWriter v3.26.1
v0.16.2 Bugfix update
- Fix a bug where scene duration specified in years/months/weeks is calculated the wrong way.
Based on paeon v0.10.2 and PyWriter v3.26.1
v0.16.1 Optional update
Apply paeon update to minimize the amount of unused code.
Based on paeon v0.10.1 and PyWriter v3.26.1
- Process the Aeon Timeline 2 .aeonzip format.
- Create different chapters for scenes and non-scene events.
- Update the configuration.
- Update the Aeon 2 “yWriter” template.
Based on paeon v0.10.0 and PyWriter v3.26.1
v0.14.3 Beta release
- Change the default value for invalid date from “-0001-01-01” to “0001-01-01” in order to avoid isoformat errors.
Based on PyWriter v3.24.3
v0.14.2 Beta release
- Update documentation: Use the term “import” from yWriter’s point of view.
- Rename the option “export_all_events” to “import_all_events”.
Based on PyWriter v3.24.3
v0.14.1 Beta release
- Restore the global configuration.
Based on PyWriter v3.24.3
v0.14.0 Beta release
- Calculate scene duration.
- Process viewpoint, if any.
- Copy Aeon 2 “yWriter” template on installation.
- Adapt default settings to the “yWriter” Aeon template.
- Abandon the global configuration.
- Update the sample configuration file.
- Substitute all sorts of non-“AD” date/time.
- Abandon compatibility with Aeon Timeline version 3 (there is a new project for Aeon Timeline 3 conversion).
Based on PyWriter v3.24.3
v0.12.0 compatible with Aeon Timeline version 3
- Aeon Timeline 3 csv export will work the same way, but the “narrative” is not supported yet.
- Improve error messages in case of csv structure mismatch.
Based on PyWriter v3.24.3
v0.10.4 Bugfix release
- Fix a bug causing an exception when a new item is added to a scene.
Based on PyWriter v3.18.1
v0.10.3 No automatic shortcut creation
- Due to sporadic security warnings, the automatic shortcut creation during installation is removed. The user is now guided to create the application shortcut manually.
Based on PyWriter v3.16.0
v0.10.1 Adjust installation script
- Try to avoid a “false positive” security warning caused by the powershell call in the installation batch script.
Based on PyWriter v3.16.0
v0.10.0 Add option to disable scene filtering
- If the scene marker is left blank in the configuration, all events will be imported as normal scenes.
Based on PyWriter v3.14.0
v0.8.0 Read configuration file
Based on PyWriter v3.14.0
v0.6.4 Non-scene export is optional
- Export of events that are not tagged as scenes is optional.
Based on PyWriter v3.12.9
v0.6.3 Allow an even more flexible csv structure
- Allow an even more flexible csv structure by passing all labels as parameters.
Based on PyWriter v3.12.9
v0.6.2 Allow a flexible csv structure
- Process multiple events occurring at the same time.
- Allow a flexible csv structure by passing the identifiers as parameters.
- Import items, if any.
- Import scene notes, if any.
Based on PyWriter v3.12.9
v0.6.1 Loosen the conventions
Tags that mark scenes are case-insensitive.
Based on PyWriter v3.12.9
v0.6.0 Add Tkinter GUI
Based on PyWriter v3.12.9
v0.4.0 Beta test release
Based on PyWriter v3.12.9