
Synchronize Aeon Timeline 2 and yWriter.

This project is maintained by peter88213

Project home page > Changelog


Planned features

See the GitHub “Features” project.


Based on PyWriter v12.16.8


Based on PyWriter v12.4.1


Based on PyWriter v12.1.2


Based on PyWriter v12.1.2


Based on pyWriter v12.1.0


Based on pyWriter v11.0.2


Based on pyWriter v10.0.1


Based on pyWriter v10.0.1


Based on pyWriter v10.0.1


Based on pyWriter v10.0.1


Based on pyWriter v10.0.1


Based on PyWriter v8.0.11


Downgrade from v3.0.2 due to a regression that takes some time to fix.

Based on PyWriter v8.0.10


Based on PyWriter v9.0.5


Based on PyWriter v9.0.4


Based on PyWriter v8.0.8

v1.8.3 Bugfix release

Based on PyWriter v7.4.9


Based on PyWriter v7.4.1


Based on PyWriter v7.2.1


Based on PyWriter v7.2.1

v1.6.3 Update setup script

Based on PyWriter v5.18.0

v1.6.2 Improved setup

Based on PyWriter v5.18.0

v1.6.1 Sort created events

When creating events from scenes without date/time, sort them in reading order.

Based on PyWriter v5.16.1

v1.6.0 Major update

In Aeon, use the characters’ simple names instead of their full names that might not exist.

Please note: In existing timelines to be synchronized with yWriter, please delete all Characters and then update from yWriter once. This will recreate all the characters and their relationships with their correct names.

Based on PyWriter v5.16.1

v1.4.2 Improved word counting

Based on PyWriter v5.12.4

v1.4.1 Improved word counting

Based on PyWriter v5.12.3


Based on PyWriter v5.10.0


Based on PyWriter v5.6.1


Based on PyWriter v5.0.2


Fix a bug that may cause problems if a timeline has multiple eras.

Based on PyWriter v5.0.2


Based on PyWriter v5.0.0

v0.34.8 Bugfix update

Based on PyWriter v3.32.3

v0.34.7 Support non-Windows OS

Based on PyWriter v3.28.1

v0.34.6 Change the compression method

Based on PyWriter v3.28.1

v0.34.5 Enable non-Windows operation

Based on PyWriter v3.28.1

v0.34.4 Bugfix beta release

Fix a bug where the duration can be calculated incorrectly if it is given with months.

Based on PyWriter v3.28.1.

v0.34.3 Bugfix beta release

Fix a bug where the duration can be calculated incorrectly if it is given with years and months.

Based on PyWriter v3.28.1.

v0.34.2 Bugfix beta release

Fix a bug where the sort order may be mixed up when creating user defined properties.

Based on PyWriter v3.28.1.

v0.34.1 Create new Aeon UIDs in a non-random way

Now updated .aeonzip files can be compared with reference data.

Based on PyWriter v3.28.1.

v0.34.0 Update yWriter characters, locations, and items from Aeon

Based on PyWriter v3.28.1.

v0.32.1 Update deleted events from Aeon

Based on PyWriter v3.28.1.

v0.32.0 Update characters/locations/items and relationships from yWriter

Based on PyWriter v3.28.1.

v0.30.0 Update scene tags and descriptions in both directions

Based on PyWriter v3.28.0.

v0.28.0 Update scene type in both directions

Based on PyWriter v3.28.0.

v0.26.0 Update event date/time/duration from yWriter

Based on PyWriter v3.28.0.

v0.24.0 Optional beta release

Same functionality as v0.22.2. Make the project independent from the paeon library.

Based on PyWriter v3.28.0.

v0.22.2 Beta release

Enhance Aeon 2 update from yWriter

Based on paeon v0.14.2 and PyWriter v3.28.0.

v0.22.1 Beta bugfix release

Based on paeon v0.14.1 and PyWriter v3.28.0.

v0.22.0 Beta release

Based on paeon v0.14.0 and PyWriter v3.28.0.

v0.20.0 Beta release

Based on paeon v0.12.0 and PyWriter v3.28.0

v0.18.0 Beta release

Based on paeon v0.10.3 and PyWriter v3.26.1

v0.16.2 Bugfix update

Based on paeon v0.10.2 and PyWriter v3.26.1

v0.16.1 Optional update

Apply paeon update to minimize the amount of unused code.

Based on paeon v0.10.1 and PyWriter v3.26.1

v0.16.0 Process the native .aeonzip file format

Based on paeon v0.10.0 and PyWriter v3.26.1

v0.14.3 Beta release

Based on PyWriter v3.24.3

v0.14.2 Beta release

Based on PyWriter v3.24.3

v0.14.1 Beta release

Based on PyWriter v3.24.3

v0.14.0 Beta release

Based on PyWriter v3.24.3

v0.12.0 compatible with Aeon Timeline version 3

Based on PyWriter v3.24.3

v0.10.4 Bugfix release

Based on PyWriter v3.18.1

v0.10.3 No automatic shortcut creation

Based on PyWriter v3.16.0

v0.10.1 Adjust installation script

Based on PyWriter v3.16.0

v0.10.0 Add option to disable scene filtering

Based on PyWriter v3.14.0

v0.8.0 Read configuration file

Based on PyWriter v3.14.0

v0.6.4 Non-scene export is optional

Based on PyWriter v3.12.9

v0.6.3 Allow an even more flexible csv structure

Based on PyWriter v3.12.9

v0.6.2 Allow a flexible csv structure

Based on PyWriter v3.12.9

v0.6.1 Loosen the conventions

Tags that mark scenes are case-insensitive.

Based on PyWriter v3.12.9

v0.6.0 Add Tkinter GUI

Based on PyWriter v3.12.9

v0.4.0 Beta test release

Based on PyWriter v3.12.9