Export Aeon Timeline 3 project to Obsidian Markdown files
The aeon3obsidian Python script extracts the items of an Aeon Timeline 3 project and generates a set of Markdown documents.
file holds the table of contents on the top level.__narrative.md
file holds the table of contents of the narrative.According to recent user feedback, the Aeon Timeline 3 file format has been changed, so this script might not work for you.
Aeon Timeline 2 users: A variant for Aeon Timeline 2 can be found here.
Download the latest release (version 1.0.5)
aeon3obsidian.py Sourcefile
positional arguments:
Sourcefile The path of the .aeon file.
You can also drag an .aeon file and drop it on the aeon3obsidian.py icon.
The created Markdown files are placed in a subfolder, named after the aeon project.
The aeon3obsidian.py script should create a folder that contains a whole set of .md files. This folder should be found in the same directory where your .aeon file is located. If your .aeon file path is for example “c:\Users\Snoopy\Documents\my timeline.aeon”, the folder containing the .md files is “c:\Users\Snoopy\Documents\my timeline”.
Please make sure that all requirements are met. Drag/drop only works if Python is properly installed on your computer, so that aeon3obsidian.py is recognized by your operating system as a Python script.
The aeon3obsidian.py icon should look like this:
Which Python version have you installed?
In case of doubt, please start the aeon3obsidian.py script from the text console, so you get an error message that might help.
This extension is distributed under the MIT License.