Project home page > Changelog
- Refactor: Discard unused HTML file classes by creating a custom NewProjectFactory class.
Based on PyWriter v5.18.0
- Make it run on old Windows versions: Restore the original pywriter_globals module from PyWriter v5.18.0 to get rid of internationalization code.
Based on PyWriter v5.18.0
v1.0.3 Prepare for Python 3.11
- Remove “shebang” to make the program run with Python 3.11.
- Replace deprecated locale.getdefaultlocale() by locale.getlocale()
Based on PyWriter v5.18.0
v1.0.2 Update setup script
- Change the working dir to the script dir on startup in order to avoid “file not found” error.
- Catch exceptions in the setup script.
Based on PyWriter v5.18.0
- Fix a bug in the setup script where the INI file is not installed.
- Improve the code quality.
- Improve the documentation.
Based on PyWriter v5.0.2
- Rework the error messaging system.
- Refactor the code.
Based on PyWriter v5.0.0
v0.6.2 Beta release: Support non-Windows OS
- Move installation and configuration to another location (see instructions for use).
Based on PyWriter v3.28.1
v0.6.1 Beta release: Enable non-Windows operation
- Catch an exception that is thrown when evaluating a Windows environment variable under a non-Windows OS.
Based on PyWriter v3.28.1
- Read the native .aeon file format. CSV is optional.
Based on PyWriter v3.28.1
v0.4.2 Optional update
Apply paeon update to minimize the amount of unused code.
Based on paeon v0.10.1 and PyWriter v3.26.1
v0.4.1 Alpha release
- Update libraries and help text.
Based on paeon v0.6.2 and PyWriter v3.26.1
v0.4.0 Alpha release
- Import character and location properties.
Based on PyWriter v3.24.3 and paeon v0.6.0
v0.2.4 Alpha release
Process incomplete date/time stamps as possible with Aeon Timeline 3.
Missing months or days are substituted by ‘01’.
Based on PyWriter v3.24.3 and paeon v0.4.1
v0.2.3 Alpha release
- Restructure the project to keep reusable code in the external paeon library.
Based on PyWriter v3.24.3 and paeon v0.2.0
v0.2.2 Alpha release
- Change the default value for invalid date from “-0001-01-01” to “0001-01-01” in order to avoid isoformat errors.
Based on PyWriter v3.24.3
v0.2.1 Alpha release
- Update documentation: Use the “import” from yWriter’s point of view.
Based on PyWriter v3.24.3
v0.2.0 Alpha test release
The yWriter.aeonTpl template doesn’t provide items yet.
Based on PyWriter v3.24.3