Project home page > Changelog
Version 3.3.4
Fixed Common.xba in curly:
- Handling an exception that is raised when “ShowDirectSpeech” is called before the cursor is placed.
Based on curly 3.3.4
Version 3.3.3
- Improve the apostrophe replacement algorithm in order not to interfere with the novelibre section splitter.
Based on curly v3.3.3
Version 3.2.2 Optional update
Modify the “Back to standard view” icon for better display in LibreOffice 7.1.
Based on curly v3.2.1
Version 3.2.1 Make the help function os independent
Change the HTML launch mechanism of the show_help macro.
Based on curly v3.2.0
Version 3.2.0 Service update
Move the release/update location back to the language-specific repository.
Version 3.1.1 Service update
Move the project to a central repository.
Version 3.1.0 Provide help
Add help to the user interface.
Based on curly v3.1.0