
Novel writing application using Markdown

View the Project on GitHub peter88213/mdnovel

Home > Help pages > Section editor

Section editor

Launch the section editor

Open a section editor window by double-clicking on a section, or via the Section > Edit menu entry when a section is selected, or by hitting the Enter key.


If you choose a section already open, the window will be brought to the foreground.

Select text

Copy/Paste text

Format text


Split a section

With File > Split at cursor position or Ctrl-Alt-S, you can split the section at the cursor position.

Create a section

With File > Create section or Ctrl-Alt-N, you can create a section.

Word count


Live updating the word count is resource intensive and may slow down the program when editing big sections. This is why it’s disabled by default.

Apply changes

With Ctrl-S, you can apply changes to the section. Then "Modified" status is displayed in mdnovel.


Before applying changes, the program checks the editor content for XML validity. Malformed XML will not be accepted.

Close the editor window