
Generate a yWriter 7 project from a FreeMind outline.

This project is maintained by peter88213

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The mm2yw7 Python script creates a yWriter 7 project from a FreeMind outline.

Instructions for use

Intended usage

The included installation script prompts you to create a shortcut on the desktop. You can launch the program by dragging a .mm file and dropping it on the shortcut icon.

Command line usage

Alternatively, you can

usage: mm2yw7.pyw [--silent] Sourcefile

positional arguments:


The path of the mindmap.

optional arguments:

--silent suppress error messages and the request to confirm overwriting

Mode of operation

mm2yw7 generates a new yWriter project file with the same file name as the mindmap file, but with the extension .yw7. It is placed in the same directory as the source file.

Note: If the yWriter project already exists, it would be overwritten after confirmation. However, you can change the behavior with a configuration file entry (see below). Then an existing yw7 file is not overwritten. Character/Location/Item XML files are generated instead. They can be imported into any yWriter project.

Conversion rules

The levels of the mindmap tree

The use of special icons

The conversion is controlled by nodes decorated with special icons. The icon specifications can be changed with configuration file entries (see below).

On the first level

This icon marks the Main characters branch: Main characters icon

This icon marks the Minor characters branch: Minor characters icon

This icon marks the Locations branch: Locations icon

This icon marks the Items branch: Items icon

On the first, second, or third level

This icon makes a node element and its children (if any) Notes type: Notes icon

This icon makes a node element and its children (if any) Todo type: Todo icon

Example mindmap

Example mindmap

Custom configuration

You can override the default settings by providing a configuration file. Be always aware that faulty entries may cause program errors.

Global configuration

An optional global configuration file can be placed in the configuration directory in your user profile. It is applied to any project. Its entries override mm2yw7’s built-in constants. This is the path: c:\Users\<user name>\.pywriter\mm2yw7\config\mm2yw7.ini

The setup script installs a sample configuration file containing mm2yw7’s default values. You can modify or delete it.

Local project configuration

An optional project configuration file named mm2yw7.ini can be placed in your project directory, i.e. the folder containing your yWriter and Timeline project files. It is only applied to this project. Its entries override mm2yw7’s built-in constants as well as the global configuration, if any.

How to provide/modify a configuration file

The mm2yw7 distribution comes with a sample configuration file located in the sample subfolder. It contains mm2yw7’s default settings and options. This file is also automatically copied to the global configuration folder during installation. You best make a copy and edit it.

This is the configuration explained:


locations_icon = gohome

# Icon that marks the location branch in the mindmap.

items_icon = password

# Icon that marks the item branch in the mindmap.

characters_icon = group

# Icon that marks the character branch in the mindmap.

notes_icon = info

# Icon that marks a "Notes" type part/chapter/scene.

todo_icon = list

# Icon that marks a "To do" type part/chapter/scene.


export_scenes = Yes

# Yes: create scenes from the mindmap.

export_characters = Yes

# Yes: create characters from the mindmap.

export_locations = Yes

# Yes: create location from the mindmap.

export_items = Yes

# Yes: create items from the mindmap.

overwrite_yw7 = Yes

# Yes: overwrite existing yw7 project after confirmation.
# No: if the yw7 project exists, create XML character/location/item data files instead.

has_normal_parts = Yes

# Yes: Create parts from all first level nodes that contain chapters and scenes.
# No: Create parts from the first level nodes only if marked as "Notes" or "To do".

Installation path

The setup script installs mm2yw7.pyw in the user profile. This is the installation path on Windows:

c:\Users\<user name>\.pywriter\mm2yw7