
A novel organizer for writers

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Project homepage > Instructions for use > Online help > Command reference: Locations menu

Locations menu

Location operation


Add a new location

You can add a location to the tree with Locations > Add.


Import locations from another project

This will import a selection of locations from another project. First you select an XML file containing the location data. Then you select the locations you want to add to the current project.

To create an XML location data file for the current project, use Export > Characters/locations/items data files.

Export location descriptions for editing

Export an ODT document

This will generate a new OpenDocument text document (odt) containing location descriptions that can be edited in Office Writer and written back to project format. File name suffix is _locations.

Export location list (spreadsheet)

Export an ODS document

This will generate a new OpenDocument spreadsheet (ods) containing a location list that can be edited in Office Calc and written back to project format. File name suffix is _loclist.

You may change the sort order of the rows. You may also add or remove rows. New entities must get a unique ID.

Show list

Show an HTML report with locations data

This will generate a list-formatted HTML file, and launch your system’s web browser for displaying it.

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