novx file format documentation
This page refers to the latest novelibre release.
- The novx file format
- The <Aka> tag
- The <ARC> tag
- The <ARCS> tag
- The <Author> tag
- The <Bio> tag
- The <BirthDate> tag
- The <CHAPTER> tag
- The <ChapterHeadingPrefix> tag
- The <ChapterHeadingSuffix> tag
- The <CHAPTERS> tag
- The <CHARACTER> tag
- The <CHARACTERS> tag
- The <Characters> tag
- The <comment> tag
- The <Conflict> tag
- The <Content> tag
- The <Count> tag
- The <creator> tag
- The <CustomCharacterization> tag
- The <CustomChrBio> tag
- The <CustomChrGoals> tag
- The <CustomConflict> tag
- The <CustomGoal> tag
- The <CustomOutcome> tag
- The <CustomPlotProgress> tag
- The <CustomWorldBuilding> tag
- The <Date> tag
- The <date> tag
- The <Day> tag
- The <DeathDate> tag
- The <Desc> tag
- The <em> tag
- The <Field> tag
- The <FullName> tag
- The <FullPath> tag
- The <Goal> tag
- The <Goals> tag
- The <ITEM> tag
- The <ITEMS> tag
- The <Items> tag
- The <LastsDays> tag
- The <LastsHours> tag
- The <LastsMinutes> tag
- The <li> tag
- The <Link> tag
- The <LOCATION> tag
- The <LOCATIONS> tag
- The <Locations> tag
- The <note> tag
- The <note-citation> tag
- The <Notes> tag
- The <novx> tag
- The <Outcome> tag
- The <p> tag
- The <PartHeadingPrefix> tag
- The <PartHeadingSuffix> tag
- The <Path> tag
- The <PlotlineNotes> tag
- The <POINT> tag
- The <PROGRESS> tag
- The <PROJECT> tag
- The <ReferenceDate> tag
- The <SECTION> tag
- The <Section> tag
- The <Sections> tag
- The <ShortName> tag
- The <span> tag
- The <strong> tag
- The <Tags> tag
- The <Time> tag
- The <Title> tag
- The <ul> tag
- The <WC> tag
- The <WithUnused> tag
- The <WordCountStart> tag
- The <WordTarget> tag