Project home page > Changelog
- Fix a bug in the setup script that may cause problems when updating an older scappex version.
- Pack the whole folder when building the release.
Based on PyWriter v6.0.2
- Make it run with old Windows versions.
Based on PyWriter v6.0.2
- Remove “shebang” to make the program run with Python 3.11.
Based on PyWriter v6.0.0
- Fix Chapter “Type” and “ChapterType” inconsistencies when writing .yw7 files.
- Fix a bug in the pywriter Novel class: Initialize “public” instance variables the correct way.
- The pywriter library is prepared for internationalization with GNU gettext.
Based on PyWriter v6.0.0
v0.14.3 Update setup script
- Change the working dir to the script dir on startup in order to avoid “file not found” error.
Based on PyWriter v5.18.0
v0.14.2 Improved setup
- Catch exceptions in the setup script.
Based on PyWriter v5.18.0
v0.14.1 Beta test release
- Fix a bug in the setup script where the sample configuration file is not installed.
- Update the documentation.
- Improve code quality.
Based on PyWriter v5.0.2
v0.14.0 Beta test release
- Update the user interface.
- Refactor the code.
Based on PyWriter v5.0.0
v0.12.4 Support non-Windows OS
- Move installation and configuration to another location (see instructions for use).
Based on PyWriter v3.28.1
v0.12.3 Enable non-Windows operation
- Catch an exception that is thrown when evaluating a Windows environment variable under a non-Windows OS.
Based on PyWriter v3.28.1
v0.12.2 Beta test release
- Merge v0.13.0 without the yw to Scapple conversion part.
Based on PyWriter v3.22.0
v0.12.1 Beta test release
- Compare text colors by their RGB components. This works even if the colors don’t match exactly.
Based on PyWriter v3.22.0
v0.12.0 Beta test release
- Scenes are ordered by their position in the Scapple diagram (from top left to bottom right).
Based on PyWriter v3.22.0
v0.10.0 Beta test release
Export notes to yWriter.
- Scene notes and character notes are marked with a “cloud” border.
Based on PyWriter v3.22.0
v0.8.0 Beta test release
Export Character/Location/Item XML files.
Based on PyWriter v3.20.0
v0.6.0 Beta test release
Export tags to yWriter.
Based on PyWriter v3.18.1
v0.4.1 Beta test release
Based on PyWriter v3.18.1
v0.4.0 Beta test release
Export “Notes” scenes to yWriter.
Based on PyWriter v3.18.1
v0.2.1 Beta test release
Set character’s title and full name.
Based on PyWriter v3.18.1
v0.2.0 Beta test release
Based on PyWriter v3.18.1