Project home page > Changelog
Version 5.7.7
- Stripping formatting of headings.
Based on PyWriter 12.19.7
Version 5.7.6
- Strip illegal characters before parsing yw7 input.
Based on PyWriter 12.19.6
Version 5.7.5
- Refactor for future Python versions: No longer test truth value of
Based on PyWriter 12.19.5
Version 5.7.4
- Refactor for future Python versions.
Based on PyWriter 12.19.4
Version 5.7.3
- Read .yw7 files created with the iOS yWriter version.
Based on PyWriter 12.19.0
Version 5.7.2
- Make sure to keep custom data from other applications when updating .yw7 files.
Based on PyWriter 12.18.0
Version 5.7.1
Fix a bug where normal scenes are written to the “notes” and “todo” export documents,
if appended to the previous scene.
Based on PyWriter 12.17.2
Version 5.7.0
Write more compact yw7 files without redundant data not needed by yWriter.
Based on PyWriter 12.17.1
Version 5.6.3
- Fix incompatibility of v5.6.2 with Python <3.9
Based on PyWriter 12.16.7
Version 5.6.2
Change the layout of exported documents.
Based on PyWriter 12.16.6
Version 5.5.0
- Add scene headings to the “proofing” document.
Based on PyWriter 12.14.0
Version 5.4.3
- Refactor the code for performance improvement.
Based on PyWriter 12.13.6
Version 5.4.2
- Ignore leading blanks when parsing footnote/endnote markup.
Based on PyWriter 12.13.5
Version 5.4.1
- Fix a bug where the scene content gets lost when splitting a scene at an appended chapter heading.
Based on PyWriter 12.13.2
Version 5.4.0
- When exporting an ODT document that is not meant for re-import,
convert yWriter comments into footnotes or endnotes.
Based on PyWriter 12.13.0
Version 5.3.0
- Read ODT documents without meta.xml as created with FreeMind.
Based on PyWriter 12.12.0
Version 5.2.5
- Improve the file open dialog.
Based on PyWriter 12.11.0
Version 5.2.4
- Improvements for reading ODT documents generated by Word.
Based on PyWriter 12.9.0
Version 5.2.3
- Fix a bug where direct formatting of whole paragraphs is not considered when converting from ODT to yw7.
- Exclude the scene marks in the “proofing” document from spell checking.
Based on PyWriter 12.8.5
Version 5.2.2
- Fix a regression from v5.2.0 where the “proofing” document export may crash in case no language tags are found.
Based on PyWriter 12.8.3
Version 5.2.1
- Simplify the “proofread” document’s structure.
Based on PyWriter 12.8.2
Version 5.2.0
Modify the “Proofing document” classes for ODT exchange document conversion:
- Exclude “Unused”, “Notes” and “Todo” scenes from the document export.
- Apply direct formatting instead of the emphasizing character styles.
- Do not apply the “Quotation” paragraph style.
Based on PyWriter 12.8.1
Version 5.1.1
- Fix a bug in the ODT parser where direct bold and italic formatting is
not recognized.
Based on Pywriter v12.7.2
Version 5.1.0
- Provide translations for scene related comments in the exported documents.
Based on PyWriter 12.7.1
Version 5.0.9
- When creating a new scene on ODT import, localize the default title.
- Change the German wording according to novelyst: “Szene” –> “Abschnitt”.
Based on PyWriter 12.4.1
Version 5.0.8
- Show a message when scenes are split during conversion.
Based on PyWriter 12.4.0
Version 5.0.7
- Make it work on virtual file systems.
Based on PyWriter 12.3.2
Version 5.0.6
- Also convert .odt and .ods on start if specified by cmdline argument.
Based on PyWriter 12.3.0
Version 5.0.5
- When a document is loaded, disable “Descriptions” and “Lists” menus.
Based on PyWriter 12.3.0
Version 5.0.4
- Make sure that no conversion is run on start if an invalid source path is set as commandline argument.
Based on PyWriter 12.3.0
Version 5.0.3
- Fix a bug where the “Open converted file” button is deactivated after conversion on start.
Based on PyWriter 12.3.0
Version 5.0.2
- Reduce the memory use by discarding the docstrings on building.
Based on PyWriter 12.1.2
Version 5.0.1
Based on PyWriter 12.1.1
Version 5.0.0 Major feature update
- If you have a desktop shortcut to start yW2OO, please change the target from “yw2oo.pyw” to “run.pyw”.
- If you use the Windows Explorer context menu entry, please re-run the registry scripts after setup.
- Provide reverse conversion of ODT/ODS to yWriter.
- Use a start up script ( run.pyw ) to speed up execution.
- Replace the built in help with online help.
Based on PyWriter 12.1.0
Version 4.4.3
- Make it run on old Windows versions.
Based on PyWriter 10.0.1
Version 4.4.2
- Modify “shebang” lines to make the scripts run with Python 3.11 under Windows.
Based on PyWriter 9.0.5
Version 4.4.1 Bugfix
- Fix a regression from v4.3.1 where wrong language markers are imported
from the “proofread” document.
Based on PyWriter 9.0.5
Version 4.4.0
- Code optimization and library update.
Based on PyWriter 9.0.4
Version 4.3.3
- Fix a bug where no error message is not displayed, if no help text is available.
Based on PyWriter 8.0.9
Version 4.3.2
- Library upgrade.
- Assign “no language” to the chapter/scene markers for the proof reading document.
- When converting to ODT format, apply all XML predefined entities.
- Fix a bug where attempting to save a write-protected file raises an
uncaught exception.
Based on PyWriter 8.0.8
Version 4.2.4
- Fix a bug in odt manuscript export, where the “Quotation” style is not applied at scene start.
Based on PyWriter 7.14.1
Version 4.2.3
- Undo the change from v4.1.3: Change the German wording (Abschnitt –> Szene).
Based on PyWriter 7.12.2
Version 4.2.2
- Read the document language and country codes from project variables, if any.
Based on PyWriter 7.12.2
Version 4.2.1
Introduce a notation for assigning text passages to another language/country. This is mainly for spell checking in Office Writer.
Based on PyWriter 7.11.2
Version 4.1.4
- When importing from yWriter, paragraphs that start with “> “ are formatted as “Quotations”.
Based on PyWriter 7.10.3
Version 4.1.3
- Change the German wording: Szene –> Abschnitt.
- Process the document’s language and country (if any) when exporting ODF.
- Support “no document language” settings.
Based on PyWriter 7.10.2
Version 4.0.2
- Fix help file.
- Show a pop-up message if the helpfile is missing.
Based on PyWriter 7.4.1
Version 4.0.1
- Exit program after opening the exported document.
Based on PyWriter 7.4.1
Version 4.0.0
- New user interface.
- New document type for “ToDo” chapters.
- Add internationalization according to GNU coding standards.
- Provide German localization.
- Consider project names containing a reserved suffix.
Based on PyWriter 7.4.1
Version 3.16.3 Update setup script
- Change the working dir to the script dir on startup in order to avoid “file not found” error.
Based on PyWriter 5.18.0
Version 3.16.2 Improved setup
- Catch exceptions in the setup script.
Based on PyWriter 5.18.0
Version 3.16.1 Bugfix release
- Fix quotations at scene start.
- Fix and refactor inline code removal.
Based on PyWriter 5.16.1
Version 3.16.0
- OdtExport: When exporting chapters and scenes to odt, set style of paragraphs that start with “> “ to “Quotations”.
Based on PyWriter 5.16.0
Version 3.14.0
When exporting chapters and scenes to odt,
- ignore scenes beginning with
or <TEX>
- remove inline raw code.
Based on PyWriter 5.14.0
Version 3.12.5 Improved word counting
- Fix word counting considering ellipses.
Based on PyWriter 5.12.4
Version 3.12.4 Improved word counting
- Fix word counting considering comments, hyphens, and dashes.
Based on PyWriter 5.12.3
Version 3.12.3 Optional update
PyWriter library update.
Based on PyWriter 5.12.2
Version 3.12.2 Optional update
Provide the “Quotations” paragraph style.
Based on PyWriter 5.4.2
Version 3.12.1 Optional update
Improve non-Windows compatibility.
Based on PyWriter 5.2.2
Version 3.12.0
- Add document type: Notes scenes.
- Remove document type: Plot list.
When installing this version, please update the Explorer context menu.
Based on PyWriter 5.2.0
Version 3.10.2 Optional update
- Clean up ODF templates to make the code and generated documents more compact.
Based on PyWriter 5.0.3
Version 3.10.1 Optional update
- Improve code and documentation quality.
Based on PyWriter 5.0.2
Version 3.10.0
- Fix a bug where “To do” chapters cause an exception.
- Rework the user interface.
- Refactor the code.
Based on PyWriter 5.0.0
Version 3.8.6 Update text formatting
When creating odt files, make paragraphs after blank lines “Text body” without indent.
Based on PyWriter 3.32.2
Version 3.8.5 Create backup when overwriting
- Create registry files on setup only under Windows.
- Create backups when overwriting files.
Based on PyWriter 3.30.0
Version 3.8.4 Bugfix release
- Fix a bug in the PyWriter library where brief synopses cannot be opened with LibreOffice 7.
Based on PyWriter 3.28.2
- Move “Brief Synopsis” below “Proof reading”.
Based on PyWriter 3.28.1
Version 3.8.2 Optional update for Linux compatibility
- Add shebang and change the line endings for Linux.
- Change the installation path to make it compatible with non-Windows OS.
After update, please remove the old version at ~\AppData\Roaming\yw2oo
Based on PyWriter 3.28.1
Version 3.8.1 Bugfix update
- Fix a bug in the setup script where setup is aborted when the “PyWriter” directory does not exist in the user profile.
Based on PyWriter 3.28.1
Version 3.8.0 Feature update
- Add a brief synopsis with chapter and scene titles.
Based on PyWriter 3.28.0
Version 3.6.0 Feature update
- Add notes to the character descriptions.
Based on PyWriter 3.22.0
Version 3.4.6 Bugfix release
This release is strongly recommended.
Fix a regression from PyWriter v3.12.5. causing a crash if a scene has an
hour, but no minute set.
Based on PyWriter 3.16.4
Version 3.4.5 Standardize the installation path
- Move the installation path to the AppData\Roaming\PyWriter subfolder,
where all PyWriter-based applications are to be located.
Based on PyWriter 3.12.7
Version 3.4.4 Optional update
- Remove overhead from the main function.
- Move the Exporter class to the main script.
Based on PyWriter 3.12.5
Version 3.4.3 Optional update
- Major refactoring of the template based export.
Based on PyWriter 3.12.5
Version 3.4.2 Optional update
- Major refactoring of the yw7 file processing.
Based on PyWriter 3.8.0
Version 3.4.1 Bugfix update
- Fix the “proofread tags” paragraph styles.
Based on PyWriter 3.6.6
It is highly advised to update to this version.
- Imported Scenes/chapters and manuscript documents now have three-line
“* * *” scene dividers instead of single blank lines.
- Replace scene dividers with blank lines is added to the Format menu.
- Scene titles as comments at the beginning of the scenes in the manuscript
and work in progress documents are written back to yWriter.
- Chapter titles in the manuscript, scene descriptions, part descriptions,
and chapter descriptions documents are written back to yWriter.
- Generate temporary files in the user’s temp folder.
Based on PyWriter 3.6.5
Version 3.2.2 Optional update
Based on PyWriter 3.4.2
Version 3.2.1 Bugfix update
- Cope better with the chapter/scene type overdetermination since yWriter
Based on PyWriter 3.4.1
Version 3.2.0 Drop yWriter 6 support
Support only yWriter 7 projects for better maintainability and speed.
Based on PyWriter 3.4.0
Version 3.0.2 Optional update
- Refactor for faster execution.
Based on PyWriter 3.2.1
Version 3.0.1 Optional update
Refactor, based on PyWriter version 3.2.0
Version 3.0.0 Complete revision
Stand-alone universal exporter, based on PyWriter version 3.0.0
Version 1.16.0
- Add an AddOn menu to the extension for manual conversion.
Version 1.15.1
- If
exists, the project title is transferred to the ODT metadata.
- After preprocessing, the
Exported Project.html
code contains css attributes instead of improperly used heading tags.
- Exception handlers secure the OO/LO extension against improper use .
Version 1.14.0-b
- Update provided documentation.
- After preprocessing, the Exported Project.html code is well-formed and can be imported into any html processing application other than Open/LibreOffice. Previous versions of oo2yw just “hacked” Exported Project.html in an ugly way and relied on Open/LibreOffice’s tolerance against bad html coding.
Version 1.14.0
- Periods are no longer added to the chapter titles.
- StandardPages template is to be installed separately, so there is no more need for localized packages.
- Includes Courier Prime font used by the template (optional).
- writer.bat is automatically copied to all yWriter projects on installation.
- writer.bat is automatically removed from all yWriter projects on de-installation.
- writer.bat supports yWriter7 behavior of scene descriptions export.
- New setup directory structure.
Version 1.13.0
- Preprocessor v1.6.0 processes empty scene dividers generated by yWriter6.
Version 1.12.0
- Optional scene title comments are marked Scene descriptions.
- “Standard pages” template modified for nicer display of scene titles.
Version 1.11.0
- Numbered scene titles can be added to the document as annotations.
Version 1.10.0
- Scene titles can be added to the document as comments.
Version 1.9.0
- Simplify and fix document conversion.
Version 1.8.1
- Add LibreOffice 6.x support.
- Add README file for optional batch tool.
- Add german paperback model document to en-us zipfile.
Version 1.8.0
- The StandardPages styles are loaded without associating the template with the converted document.
Version 1.7.0
- Now, the OpenOffice extension (OXT) is language independent.
- Only installation and de-installation scripts and document templates are language specific.
Version 1.6.0
- Add a description and a version number to OXT macro extension (important for future updates).
- Remove some unused macro subroutines.
- Add a search/replace command for a LibreOffice (de) specific style name.
Version 1.5.0
- The localized document template is now loaded automatically.
- The Templates included are optimized (Scenes will show up in navigator).
Version 1.4.1
Version 1.4.0
- Working for yWriter6 export as well.
- Processing all types of HTML scene dividers.
Version 1.3.0
- On install, localization is no longer auto-detected. Now there are separate downloads for each language.
Version 1.2.0
- Fully automated installation and de-installation,
- Localized (en-US and de-DE) OO document templates.
Version 1.1.0
- Same function as the first release.
- Distribution now via zipfile (no binary executable).
- Add an uninstaller.
- Strip README files. There is a link to the GitHub Wiki for better maintainability.
Version 1.0.0