
Configurable report generator for yWriter projects

This project is maintained by peter88213

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The yw-reporter Python script creates configurable reports from yWriter projects.


The included installation script prompts you to create a shortcut on the desktop.

You can either

The report generator processes yw7 project files. If no yWriter project is specified by dragging and dropping on the program icon, the latest project selected is preset. You can change it with Select File.

The report options are set by ticking checkboxes. On program startup, the latest options selected are preset.

When the yWriter project is selected and the options are set, you can launch the report generator with Create report (Alt-C). A HTML report file is created in the yWriter project folder, and a web browser window opens to show it. If a report file already exists, you will be asked before it is overwritten.

If you wish to keep a report, you can save it under a different name from within the web browser.

You can generate as many reports with different options as you like without exiting the program in between. Note, however, that a new tab may be created in the web browser each time, so that you can also see earlier reports for which there is no longer a file.


Open a yWriter project

Close the ywriter project








Configuration file

The latest yWriter project selected and the latest options used for a report are saved in a configuration file.

On Windows, this is the file path:

c:\Users\<user name>\.pywriter\yw-reporter\config\yw-reporter.ini

You can safely delete this file at any time.

Installation path

The setup script installs yw-reporter.pyw in the user profile. This is the installation path on Windows:

c:\Users\<user name>\.pywriter\yw-reporter