Project home page > Changelog
Planned features
See the GitHub “Features” project.
Version 3.0.10
- Strip illegal characters before parsing yw7 input.
Based on PyWriter 12.19.6
Version 3.0.9
- Refactor for future Python versions: No longer test truth value of
Based on PyWriter 12.19.5
Version 3.0.8
- Refactor for future Python versions.
Based on PyWriter 12.19.4
Version 3.0.7
- Reading .yw7 files created with the iOS yWriter version.
Based on PyWriter 12.19.0
Version 3.0.6
Based on PyWriter 12.16.8
Version 3.0.5
- Restore the “shebang” line.
Based on PyWriter 12.4.0
Version 3.0.4
- Reduce the memory use by discarding the docstrings on building.
Based on PyWriter 12.1.2
Version 3.0.3
- Update for new libraries.
Based on PyWriter 11.0.2
Version 2.0.4
- Make it run on old Windows versions.
Based on PyWriter 8.0.11
Version 2.0.3
Downgrade from v3.0.2 due to a possible regression that takes some time to fix.
Based on PyWriter 8.0.10
Version 3.0.2
- Modify “shebang” lines to make the scripts run with Python 3.11 under Windows.
Based on PyWriter 9.0.5
Version 3.0.1
- Code optimization and library update.
Based on PyWriter 9.0.4
Version 2.0.2
- Code optimization and library update.
- Fix a bug where attempting to save a write-protected file raises an uncaught exception.
Based on PyWriter 8.0.8
Version 1.4.1
Based on PyWriter 7.4.1
Version 1.4.0
- Handle the exception occurring when converting a yWriter project with no scene.
- Add internationalization according to GNU coding standards.
- Provide German localization.
Based on PyWriter 7.2.1
Version 1.2.4 Update setup script
- Change the working dir to the script dir on startup in order to avoid “file not found” error.
Based on PyWriter 5.18.0
Version 1.2.3 Improved setup
- Catch exceptions in the setup script.
Based on PyWriter 5.18.0
Version 1.2.2 Improved word counting
- Fix word counting considering ellipses.
Based on PyWriter 5.12.4
Version 1.2.1 Improved word counting
- Fix word counting considering comments, hyphens, and dashes.
Based on PyWriter 5.12.3
Version 1.2.0
- Provide a novelyst plugin.
Based on PyWriter 5.6.1
Version 1.0.2 Bugfix release
- Fix a bug where characters and locations and items are multiplied when exporting to yWriter
Based on PyWriter 5.6.0
Version 1.0.1
- Improve code and documentation quality.
Based on PyWriter 5.0.3
Version 1.0.0
- Rework the user interface.
- Refactor the code.
Based on PyWriter 5.0.0
Version 0.20.5 Create backup when overwriting
- Create registry files on setup only under Windows.
- Remove the “single backup” option.
Based on PyWriter 3.30.0
Version 0.20.4 Support non-Windows OS
- Move installation and configuration to another location (see instructions for use).
Based on PyWriter 3.28.1
Version 0.20.3 Enable non-Windows operation
- Catch an exception that is thrown when evaluating a Windows environment variable under a non-Windows OS.
Based on PyWriter 3.28.1
Version 0.20.2 Beta release
- Undo a change made just for debugging.
Based on PyWriter 3.26.1
Version 0.20.1 Beta release
- Fix a bug where events lose or change their category or container on sync.
Based on PyWriter 3.26.1
Version 0.20.0 Beta release
- Abandon “item” processing to make the configuration clearer and the code more maintainable.
- Change the default value for invalid date from “-0001-01-01” to
“0001-01-01” in order to avoid isoformat errors.
Based on PyWriter 3.24.3
Version 0.18.0 Update for Timeline 2.5
- Adapt the Timeline XML file structure. Downward compatible with Timeline 2.4.
Based on PyWriter 3.24.3
Version 0.16.1 Bugfix release
- Fix a bug causing an exception when a new item is added to a scene.
Based on PyWriter 3.18.1
Version 0.16.0 Beta - Feature complete
Synchronize unspecific date/time in yWriter with specific date/time in Timeline.
D/H/M is converted to specific Timeline start/end date/time stamps, using the duration and the default date/time.
The other way around (Timeline to yWriter), there are three options:
- Retain each scene’s date/time mode (default).
- Overwrite D/H/M with specific date/time stamps (dhm_to_datetime option).
- Convert specific Timeline date/time stamps to D/H/M (datetime_to_dhm option)
Based on PyWriter 3.16.3
Version 0.14.0 Alpha - New feature
Set the view range in new and synchronized timelines.
Based on PyWriter 3.16.1
Version 0.12.5 Alpha - Optional update
Major Refactoring.
Based on PyWriter 3.16.1
Version 0.12.4 Alpha - Optional update
Major Refactoring.
Based on PyWriter 3.16.1
Version 0.12.3 Alpha - Optional update
- Use standardlib methods in TlFile.write() for converting iso date/time stamps.
Based on PyWriter 3.16.0
Version 0.12.2 Alpha - Optional update
- Use standardlib methods in for converting iso date/time stamps.
Based on PyWriter 3.16.0
Version 0.12.1 Alpha - No automatic shortcut creation
- Due to sporadic security warnings, the automatic shortcut creation during installation is removed. The user is now guided to create the application shortcut manually.
Based on PyWriter 3.16.0
Version 0.12.0 Alpha - Handle time periods
- When converting to yWriter, calculate the duration and store it in the yWriter scene metadata.
- When converting to Timeline, calculate the end date from the scene duration.
Based on PyWriter 3.16.0
- When synchronizing with yWriter, prevent two-figure years from being “completed”.
Ywriter prefixes two-figure years automatically with “19” or “20”, so do not synchronize dates below the year 100.
Based on PyWriter 3.16.0
Version 0.10.1 Alpha - Do not change “BC” dates
- When synchronizing with yWriter, “BC” dates remain unchanged.
“BC” Dates are stored in Timeline with a negative sign. Such dates are changed by yWriter to 0001-01-01, since it apparently can’t handle negative dates. In order to preserve “BC” Dates in Timeline when synchronizing, date/time information is not overwritten, if yWriter’s scene date is 0001-01-01.
Based on PyWriter 3.16.0
Version 0.10.0 Alpha - Add “ignore unspecific” option
- Implement an option to synchronize only scenes with a specific date/time set.
Based on PyWriter 3.16.0
Version 0.8.1 Alpha - Handle containers
- Opening brackets at scene title start are prefixed with ‘ ‘ in the timeline. Thus, the masking of leading brackets is invisible in Timeline as well.
Based on PyWriter 3.16.0
Version 0.8.0 Alpha - Handle containers
- Containers are invisible in yWriter.
- Brackets at scene title start are prefixed with ‘_’ in the timeline.
Based on PyWriter 3.16.0
Version 0.6.2 Alpha bugfix release
- Fix a bug (uninitialized variable).
Based on PyWriter 3.16.0
Version 0.6.1 Alpha
- Back up target files. Note: Backups are created even if the synchronization process is cancelled.
Based on PyWriter 3.16.0
Version 0.6.0 Alpha
- Read configuration from INI file.
Based on PyWriter 3.14.0
Version 0.4.2 Alpha bugfix release
- Fix a bug deleting the scene ID if an event is assigned to any category.
Based on PyWriter 3.12.9
Version 0.4.1 Alpha bugfix release
- Fix a bug causing multiple “Item” category entries.
Based on PyWriter 3.12.9
Version 0.4.0 Alpha release
- Fix faulty regular expressions causing scene IDs not to be unique.
- Make sure that subsequently added event descriptions are inserted at the right position in the Timeline XML tree.
- Delete event description during synchronization, if the corresponding scene description is empty.
- Color events that are linked to scenes mint green.
- Synchronize items with yWriter. Items are mapped to events with category “Item” (light blue).
Based on PyWriter 3.12.9
Version 0.2.0 Limited alpha release
Based on PyWriter 3.12.9
Version 0.1.7 Alpha bugfix release
- Provisionally fix a bug making a Timeline project not processible for the application, if all events have the same date/time.
Based on PyWriter 3.12.9
Version 0.1.6 Alpha test release
- Refactor.
- Update help text.
Based on PyWriter 3.12.9
Version 0.1.5 Alpha test release
- Fix updating Timeline from yWriter.
- Filter normal scenes.
Based on PyWriter 3.12.9
Version 0.1.4 Alpha test release
- Updating yWriter from Timeline works.
- Processing of end date/time and scene duration is missing.
Known bugs:
- When updating Timeline from yWriter, non-scene events are deleted.
Based on PyWriter 3.12.9
Version 0.1.3 Alpha test release
- Generate a new yWriter project from a Timeline works.
- Generate a new Timeline from a yWriter project works.
- Synchronization has to be fixed.
- Processing of end date/time and scene duration is missing.
Based on PyWriter 3.12.9