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The yw2md Python script converts yWriter 7 projects to Markdown
and creates new yWriter 7 projects from Markdown formatted text documents.
- Make sure that Python is installed.
- Move into the folder with the unzipped release and launch setup.pyw to install yw2md.pyw for the local user.
- Create a shortcut on the desktop when asked.
Intended usage
The included installation script prompts you to create a shortcut on the desktop.
- You can launch the program by double-clicking on the shortcut icon. Then the program loads the
last opened file on start, if any, or shows a file picker dialog.
- You can launch the program by dragging a yWriter project file and dropping it on the shortcut icon.
- You can launch the program on the command line passing the yWriter project file as an argument.
- You can launch the program via a batch file.
Open a yWriter project
- If no yWriter project is specified by dragging and dropping on the program icon, the latest project selected is preset. You can change it with File > Open or Ctrl-O.
Start file conversion by clicking on the Run (Alt-R) menu entry. The result will be indicated.
Reverse direction
You can reverse the conversion direction by clicking on the Swap (Alt-S) menu entry. The project name is the same, but the target file type changes.
Close the ywriter project
- You can close the project without exiting the program with File > Close.
- If you open another project, the current project is automatically closed.
- You can exit with File > Exit of Ctrl-Q.
When checked:
- When converting from yw7 to md, prefix scene titles as comments.
- When converting from md to yw, convert comments at scene start to scene titles.
When unchecked:
- When converting from yw7 to md, do not prefix scene titles as comments.
- When converting from md to yw, do not convert comments at scene start to scene titles.
When checked:
- When converting scenes from yw7 to md, do not double the linefeeds.
- When converting scenes from md to yw, use Markdown.
When unchecked:
- When converting scenes from yw7 to md, double the linefeeds.
- When converting scenes from md to yw, use yWriter’s genuine bold/italic markup.
Markdown reference
By default, yw2md converts a Markdown subset according to the following specificatiions:
Paragraphs in Markdown are separated by a blank line.
Single blank lines in yWriter scenes are Markdown-encoded by three blank lines.
Level 1 heading used for parts (chapters marked as beginning of a new section in yWriter)
# One hash character at the start of the line
Level 2 heading used for chapters
## Two hash characters at the start of the line
*single asterisks*
Note : A *
surrounded with spaces will be treated as a literal asterisk.
**double asterisks**
- Comments at the start of a scene are condsidered scene titles by default.
- All other comments are converted between Markdown comments and yWriter comments.
<!---A HTML comment with one additional hyphen--->