Project home page > Changelog
- Remove language markup, if any.
Based on PyWriter v12.12.0
- Notes are generally assumed “active”.
- Library update.
Based on PyWriter v12.12.0
- Make it run with old Windows versions.
Based on PyWriter v6.0.2
- Fix a bug where conversion fails if the novelWriter project has no author.
- Fix a bug where conversion fails if status or importance attributes are missing.
- Replace linebreaks with tabs when converting chapter descriptions to synopses.
- Make “Outline” the default status for new scenes.
Based on Pywriter v6.0.0
- Replace linebreaks with tabs when converting scene descriptions to synopses.
Based on Pywriter v6.0.0
- Modify “shebang” line to make the script run with Python 3.11 under Windows.
Based on Pywriter v6.0.0
- Full file format 1.5 support (read and write).
- Drop file format 1.3 support.
Based on Pywriter v6.0.0
- Add file format 1.5 support (read only).
- Drop file format 1.4 support.
Based on Pywriter v6.0.0
- Fix Chapter “Type” and “ChapterType” inconsistencies when writing .yw7 files.
- Fix a bug in the pywriter Novel class: Initialize “public” instance variables the correct way.
- The pywriter library is prepared for internationalization with GNU gettext.
Based on Pywriter v6.0.0
v0.8.5 Update setup script
- Change the working dir to the script dir on startup in order to avoid “file not found” error.
Based on PyWriter v5.18.0
v0.8.4 Improved setup
- Catch exceptions in the setup script.
Based on PyWriter v5.18.0
v0.8.3 Improved word counting
- Fix word counting considering ellipses.
Based on PyWriter v5.12.4
v0.8.2 Beta release
- Fix word counting considering comments, hyphens, and dashes.
Based on PyWriter v5.12.3
v0.8.1 Beta release
Optimize the code.
When reading the NWX file, process the flat XML structure
without evaluating the items’ child/parent relations.
This works under the following assumptions:
- The NOVEL items are arranged in the correct order.
- ARCHIVE and TRASH sections are located at the end.
Based on PyWriter v5.0.3
v0.8.0 Beta release
- Change the configuration: replace lists by tuples.
- Fix a bug in the setup script where the sample configuration file is not installed.
- Update the documentation.
- Improve code quality by refactoring and formatting.
Based on PyWriter v5.0.3
v0.6.0 beta release
- Add support of novelWriter file format version 1.4.
- Fix a bug where a wrong backup file name is displayed when overwriting yw7.
- Fix a bug where “To do” chapters cause an exception.
- Rework the command line messages.
- Refactor the code.
Based on PyWriter v5.0.0
v0.4.4 alpha release
Based on PyWriter v3.32.3
v0.4.3 alpha release
- Fix a bug where lists in the configuration file are processed the wrong way.
Based on PyWriter v3.32.2
v0.4.2 alpha release
- Fix a bug where an exception is thrown if a project has no objects.
- Convert unused scenes to not exported and vice versa.
Based on PyWriter v3.32.1
v0.4.1 alpha release
Fix misplaced formatting tags before converting them to Markdown.
Based on PyWriter v3.32.0.
v0.4.0 alpha release
Support yWriter items as NovelWriter objects.
Based on PyWriter v3.32.0.
v0.2.0 First public alpha release
Based on PyWriter v3.32.0.