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The yw2odm Python script creates an ODM master document plus one ODT sub document per chapter.
Instructions for use
Intended usage
The included installation script prompts you to create a shortcut on the desktop. You can launch the program by dragging a yWriter project file and dropping it on the shortcut icon.
Command line usage
Alternatively, you can
- launch the program on the command line passing the yWriter project file as an argument, or
- launch the program via a batch file.
usage: yw2odm.pyw [--silent] Sourcefile
positional arguments:
The path of the yWriter project file.
optional arguments:
suppress error messages and the request to confirm overwriting
- All generated documents are placed in the same folder as the yWriter project.
- The master document’s filename:
<yW project name>.odm
- The sub document’s filenames:
<Chapter ID>.odt
- Text markup: Bold and italics are supported. Other highlighting such
as underline and strikethrough are lost.
- Only “normal” chapters and scenes are exported. Chapters and
scenes marked “unused”, “todo” or “notes” are not exported.
- Only scenes that are intended for RTF export in yWriter will be
- Comments in the text bracketed with slashes and asterisks (like
/* this is a comment */
) are converted to author’s comments.
- Interspersed HTML, TEX, or RTF commands are taken over unchanged.
- Gobal variables and project variables are not resolved.
- Chapter titles appear as first level heading if the chapter is
marked as beginning of a new section in yWriter. Such headings are
considered as “part” headings.
- Chapter titles appear as second level heading if the chapter is not
marked as beginning of a new section. Such headings are considered
as “chapter” headings.
- Scene titles appear as navigable comments pinned to the beginning of
the scene.
- Usually, scenes are separated by three asterisks. The first line is not
- Starting from the second paragraph, paragraphs begin with
indentation of the first line.
- Scenes marked “attach to previous scene” in yWriter appear like
continuous paragraphs.
- Chapter titles and chapter descriptions can be found in the sub document’s
file properties.
Installation path
The setup script installs yw2odm.pyw in the user profile. This is the installation path on Windows:
c:\Users\<user name>\.pywriter\yw2odm