
Novel writing application using Markdown

View the Project on GitHub peter88213/mdnovel

Home > Help pages > Desktop

Desktop overview

The mdnovel desktop is divided into three panes:


Project tree

The project tree in the left pane shows the organization of the project.

Project tree structure

Project tree operation

Browsing the tree

mdnovel has a browsing history for the selected tree elements. This allows you to go back and forth e.g. between a section and its related characters.

  • Go back selects a node back in the tree browsing history.
  • Go forward selects a node forward in the tree browsing history.


On Windows, the "Forward" and "Back" mouse buttons (if any) may also work.

Move tree elements

Drag and drop while holding down the Alt key.


With some Linux desktops, it may be necessary to first press the mouse button, then the Alt key.


Be aware, there is no "Undo" feature.

Delete tree elements

Select the element to delete and hit the Del key.

Text viewer

The Text viewer in the middle pane shows the part/chapter/section contents with their titles as headings.


The Properties in the right pane show properties and metadata of the element selected in the project tree.

The bar at the top is the menu bar with the main menu, which is documented in the Command reference.


The second bar from the top is the toolbar with buttons for frequently used actions.

Status bar

The second bar from the bottom is the status bar. It normally displays project statistics, such as word count. These are overwritten with program messages when necessary.


You can restore the normal view at any time by clicking on the status bar.

The footer bar at the bottom displays the project file path and the file date.

Change notification

If there are unsaved changes, the footer bar is highlighted in goldenrod.