
Novel writing application using Markdown

View the Project on GitHub peter88213/mdnovel

Home > Help pages > Command reference > View menu

View menu

Control the display

Chapter level

Hide the sections

With View > Chapter level or Ctrl-Alt-C, you can collapse the tree, so that only parts and chapters are visible.

Expand selected

Show a whole branch

With View > Expand selected, you can expand a selected tree element.

Collapse selected

Hide child elements

With View > Collapse selected, you can collapse a selected branch.

Expand all

Show the whole tree

With View > Expand all, you can expand the whole tree.

Collapse all

Hide child elements

With View > Collapse all, you can hide all tree elements except the main categories.

Show Book

Go to the "Book" branch and expand it

With View > View Book, you can select and open the "Book" branch.

Show Characters

Go to the "Characters" branch and expand it

With View > View Characters, you can select and open the "Characters" branch.

Show Locations

Go to the "Locations" branch and expand it

With View > View Locations, you can select and open the "Locations" branch.

Show Items

Go to the "Items" branch and expand it

With View > View Items, you can select and open the "Items" branch.

Show Plot lines

Go to the "Plot lines" branch and expand it

With View > Show Plot lines, you can select and open the "Plot lines" branch.

Show Project notes

Go to the "Project notes" branch and expand it

With View > View Planning, you can select and open the "Project notes" branch.

Toggle Text viewer

Show/hide the novel text

With View > Toggle Text viewer or Ctrl-T, you can open or close the text viewer window, showing part/chapter/section titles and section content.


On reopening, the windows shows the text, where the tree is selected.

Toggle Properties

Show/hide the selected element’s properties

With View > Toggle Properties or Ctrl-Alt-T, you can open or close the element properties window.


On reopening, the window shows the properties of the currently selected element.

Detach/Dock Properties

Show the selected element’s properties either in the main window or in its own window

With View > Detach/Dock Properties or Ctrl-Alt-D, you can detach or dock the element properties window .


On closing the detached window, the properties are docked again.


Project independent program settings

With View > Options, You can open a dialog for settings concerning the display.

Coloring mode

Set criteria according to which normal sections are colored in the tree


Normal sections are black on white by default.


Normal sections are colored according to their completion status (Outline, Draft, 1st Edit, 2nd Edit, or Done).

Work phase

Normal sections are highlighted if their completion status does not match the work phase defined in the Book properties.

Large toolbar icons

By default, the icon size is 16x16 pixels. If the Large toolbar icons checkbox is ticked, 24x24 icons are used after the next program startup.


This applies not only to the toolbar, but also to all other icons that decorate the application’s control elements.

Display localized dates


Change the column order

Click the Apply button to apply changes.