Going outside

If you are working with partners, for example with editors or proofreaders, it may be necessary to exchange versions of the manuscript with each other. Even if you incorporate suggested changes into your manuscript by hand, you can keep the option open to continue working directly with an externally edited document. In this case you may want to export a Manuscript for third-party word processing. This export format has the advantage that you can import it back to novelibre even after it has been converted to a foreign file format such as docx and converted back to odt. Even if your partner also uses LibreOffice or OpenOffice, this format minimizes the risk of accidentally losing the section markers for the import to novelibre.


If you want to re-import a revised document to novelibre, which has been converted to other document formats in the meantime, make sure that it has the same file name at the end as the original export.

Comments that your partner inserts into the document are retained when the document is imported back to novelibre. This should also apply if your partner uses Word and you use a reasonably up-to-date version of LibreOffice.

Change tracking information from Word should also be retained for LibreOffice. However, you should accept or reject such changes before importing them to novelibre, as novelibre will accept all changes and delete the markings.


If your partner has specific wishes regarding the layout of the working manuscript, i.e. wants a certain font, line spacing or margins, you should ideally use a suitable document template before converting the document into the agreed exchange format. However, if your partner makes such changes personally, this will generally not cause any problems.