Export menu

File export

Manuscript for editing

Export an ODT document that can be imported again after editing

With Export > Manuscript for editing, you can create a text document that is split into sections (to be seen in the Navigator). File name suffix is _manuscript_tmp.

  • Only “normal” chapters and sections are exported. Chapters and sections marked “unused” are not exported.

  • Section titles are invisible, but appear in the Navigator.

  • Chapters and sections can neither be rearranged nor deleted.

  • With Writer, you can split sections by inserting headings or a section divider:

    • Heading 1 → New part title. Optionally, you can add a description, separated by |.

    • Heading 2 → New chapter title. Optionally, you can add a description, separated by |.

    • ### → Section divider. Optionally, you can append the section title to the section divider. You can also add a description, separated by |.


    Documents with split sections are automatically discarded after the novelibre project is updated.

  • Text markup: Bold and italics are supported. Other highlighting such as underline and strikethrough are lost.

  • Change tracking: All changes are accepted on import. Change tracking data is lost.

Manuscript for third-party word processing

Export an ODT document that can be imported again after editing

With Export > Manuscript for third-party word processing, you can create a text document with visible section markers. File name suffix is _proof_tmp.


This document retains its section information even if it is converted to other formats and back again. This may work with popular commercial word processors and even with web-based word processors such as Google Docs.

  • Only “normal” chapters and sections are exported. Chapters and sections marked “unused” are not exported.

  • The document contains chapter and section headings. However, changes will not be reimported.

  • The document contains section [scx] markers. Do not touch lines containing the markers if you want to be able to write the document back to novelibre format.

  • Chapters and sections can neither be rearranged nor deleted.

  • When editing the document, you can split sections by inserting headings or a section divider:

    • Heading 1 → New part title. Optionally, you can add a description, separated by |.

    • Heading 2 → New chapter title. Optionally, you can add a description, separated by |.

    • ### → Section divider. Optionally, you can append the section title to the section divider. You can also add a description, separated by |.


    Documents with split sections are automatically discarded after the novelibre project is updated.

  • Text markup: Bold and italics are supported. Other highlighting such as underline and strikethrough are lost.

  • Change tracking: All changes are accepted on import. Change tracking data is lost.

Final manuscript document (export only)

Export an ODT document

With Export > Final manuscript document (export only), you can create a text document for further use, e.g. a final document when you are finished with novelibre.


In contrast to the manuscript for editing, this document is not divided internally into sections, which could facilitate further processing and reformatting.

  • The document is placed in the same folder as the project.

  • Document’s filename: <project name>.odt.

  • Only “normal” chapters and sections are exported. Chapters and sections marked “unused” are not exported.

  • Part titles appear as first level heading.

  • Chapter titles appear as second level heading.

  • Sections are separated by * * *. The first line is not indented.

  • Starting from the second paragraph, paragraphs begin with indentation of the first line.

  • Sections marked “attach to previous section” appear like continuous paragraphs.

  • Text markup: Bold and italics are supported. Other highlighting such as underline and strikethrough are lost.

  • The first paragraph of each chapter is assigned the paragraph style Chapter beginning which is by default like the body text without indentiation. By modifying this paragraph style you can give a special look to the beginnings ot the chapters, e.g. with initials.


If you prefer simple blank lines instead of the three-asterisks in your final document, you can achieve this using “Find and replace”. This is particularly convenient with a macro that comes with the novelibre-tools extension.

Brief synopsis (export only)

Export an ODT document

With Export > Brief synopsis (export only), you can create a text document containing a brief synopsis with part, chapter, and sections titles only. File name suffix is _brf_synopsis.

  • Only “normal” chapters and sections are exported. Chapters and sections marked “unused” are not exported.

  • Part titles appear as first level heading.

  • Chapter titles appear as second level heading.

  • Section titles appear as plain paragraphs.

Cross references (export only)

Export an ODT document

With Export > Cross references (export only), you can create a text document containing navigable cross references. File name suffix is _xref.

The cross references are:

  • Sections per character,

  • sections per location,

  • sections per item,

  • sections per tag,

  • characters per tag,

  • locations per tag,

  • items per tag.

XML data files

Export XML files that can be imported into other projects

With Export > XML data files, you can create a set of XML files containing the project’s characters, locations, items, and plot lines with all their properties. These files can be used to transfer the elements to another projects.


To import XML data files from another project, use the Import command in the Characters, Locations, Items, or Plot menu.


Project independent program settings

With Export > Options, You can open a dialog for settings concerning the document export.

Ask before opening exported documents

This checkbox controls the behavior on document export.

  • If ticked, you will be asked whether you want to have novelibre launch Writer or Calc with the newly created document opened.

  • If unticked, novelibre will launch Writer or Calc with the newly created document opened right away.

Lock the project after document export for editing

This checkbox controls the behavior on opening documents for editing.

  • If ticked, novelibre will lock the project when launching Writer or Calc.

  • If unticked, novelibre won’t lock the project when launching Writer or Calc.

Select document template

You can have novelibre apply your own styles so that the exported text documents better suit your taste and habits.

If you click on this button, a file select dialog will open. You can select either an .ott document template or an .odt document. novelibre will adopt the selected document’s styles and use them for ODT document export.

Restore default styles

If you click on this button, novelibre will discard the styles loaded with Select document template and revert to its built-in default styles.