The toolbar

The toolbar provides buttons for common actions in the proposed workflow.


Go back Go back in the browsing history.

Go forward Go forward in the browsing history.

Show Book Go to the “Book” branch and expand it. Same as View > Show Book.

Show Characters Go to the “Characters” branch and expand it. Same as View > Show Characters.

Show Locations Go to the “Locations” branch and expand it. Same as View > Show Locations.

Show Items Go to the “Items” branch and expand it. Same as View > Show Items.

Show Plot lines Go to the “Plot lines” branch and expand it. Same as View > Show Plot lines.

Show Project notes Go to the “Project notes” branch and expand it. Same as View > Show Project notes.

Save Save the project. Same as File > Save or Ctrl-S.

Lock/Unlock Toggle the lock status of the project.

Update from manuscript Import the current manuscript. Same as selecting the manuscript under Import.

Export manuscript Export the manuscript for editing. Same as Export > Manuscript for editing, but without confirmation for opening the document.

Add Add element. Same as Ctrl-N.

Add child Add child element. Same as Ctrl-Alt-N.

Add parent Add element on the parent’s level. Same as Ctrl-Alt-Shift-N.

Delete Delete selected elements. Same as Del.

Toggle Text viewer Toggle Text viewer. Same as View > Toggle Text viewer or Ctrl-T.

Toggle Properties Toggle Properties. Same as View > Toggle Properties or Ctrl-Alt-T.