Locations menu

Location operation


Add a new location

With Locations > Add, you can add a location to the tree.

  • If a location is selected, the new location is placed after the selected one.

  • Otherwise, the new location is placed at the last position.

  • The new location has an auto-generated title. You can change it in the right pane.


Import locations from another project

With Locations > Import, you can import a selection of locations from another project. First you select an XML file containing the location data. Then you select the locations you want to add to the current project.


To create an XML location data file for the current project, use Export > XML data files.

Export location descriptions for editing

Export an ODT document that can be imported again after editing

With Items > Export location descriptions for editing, you can create a text document that contains location descriptions that can be edited with Writer and reimported. File name suffix is _locations_tmp.

Export location list (spreadsheet)

Export an ODS document that can be imported again after editing

With Items > Export location list (spreadsheet), you can create a spreadsheet that contains a location list that can be edited with Calc and reimported. File name suffix is _loclist_tmp.


You can reorder, hide or delete columns and rows without affecting the reimport. Only the first column and the first row, which are hidden by default, must not be changed as they contain the structural information for the import.

Show list

Show an HTML report with locations data

With Locations > Show list, you can create a list-formatted HTML file that contains a location list, and launch your system’s web browser for displaying it.


The report is a temporary file, auto-deleted on program exit. If needed, you can have your web browser save or print it.