Tools menu

Miscellaneous functions

novelibre screenshot


The Tools menu can be extended by plugins to add more features.

Plugin manager

Display and manage installed plugins

With Tools > Plugin manager, you can open the Installed plugins dialog.

novelibre screenshot
  • Successfully installed plugins are displayed black on white by default.

  • Outdated plugins are grayed out.

  • Plugins that cannot run are displayed in red, with an error message.

How to update a plugin
  1. Select the plugin you want to update. If the Home page button is activated, you can click on it, and your system browser opens the plugin home page. Otherwise, you have to know the source of the plugin yourself.

  2. Go to the plugin home page and download the latest release. Install it according to the instructions.

How to uninstall a plugin

Select the plugin, and click on the Delete button.

About version compatibility

On the window frame, you see the novelibre version, consisting of three numbers that are separated by points.

<major version number>.<minor version number>.<patch level>

In the novelibre API column, you see the plugin’s compatibility information, consisting of two numbers that are separated by points.

<major version number>.<minor version number>

The rule for compatibility
  • The plugin’s novelibre API major version number must be the same as novelibre’s major version number.

  • The plugin’s novelibre API minor version number must be less than or equal to novelibre’s minor version number.

Fix incompatibilities
  • If the plugin’s novelibre API major version number is greater than novelibre’s major version number, novelibre needs to be updated.

  • If the plugin’s novelibre API major version number is less than novelibre’s major version number, the plugin needs to be updated.

  • If the plugin’s novelibre API minor version number is greater than novelibre’s minor version number, novelibre needs to be updated.

Open installation folder

Launch the file manager

With Tools > Open installation folder, you can launch the file manager with the novelibre installation folder. This might come in handy if you wish to edit configuration files, or install your own plugins.