User guide
This page refers to the latest novx_xtg release.
The novx_xtg Python script runs through all chapters and sections of a novelibre project and fills XTG templates.
Instructions for use
Intended usage
- The included installation script prompts you to create a shortcut on the desktop.
You can launch the program by dragging a novelibre project file and dropping it on the shortcut icon.
Command line usage
Alternatively, you can
launch the program on the command line passing the novelibre project file as an argument, or
launch the program via a batch file.
usage: novx_xtg.pyw [--silent] Sourcefile
positional arguments:
The path of the novelibre project file.
optional arguments:
suppress error messages and the request to confirm the use of default values
About XTG
The XTG file format uses the XPress Tags language, the knowledge of which is assumed. You canownload the manual A Guide to XPress Tags for your program version from the Quark web site.
novelibre text markup
Bold and italics are supported. Other highlighting such as underline and strikethrough are lost.
Quotation marks and punctuation
It is assumed that quotation marks and punctuation marks are already set correctly; this is best done in advance with a word processor, e.g. via novelibre’s “proof read” function.
Place a subfolder named novx_xtg in the novelibre project folder. It contains the configuration file and all template files as listed below to be applied to this project. The best way is to copy the provided sample folder and customize the contained files with a text editor according to your needs.
If there is no configuration data in the project file, data stored in c:Users<user name>.novxnovx_xtgconfig is used prior to the script’s default configuration data.
If a template file or a configuration entry is missing, novx_xtg uses the lower priority source as a fallback.
You find the a sample configuration folder with templates and the novx_xtg default values in the novelibre installation directory under
c:\Users\<user name>\.novx\novx_xtg\sample\
You best make a copy and edit it.
Configuration file
This is the configuration file explained:
first_paragraph = @Text body:
# XPress tag for paragraphs preceded by a heading or a blank line.
indented_paragraph = @Text body indent:
# XPress tag for indented paragraphs.
other_paragraph = @First line indent:
# XPress tag for regular paragraphs.
italic = <@Emphasis>
# XPress tag opening italic sections.
italic0 = <@$p>
# XPress tag closing italic sections.
bold = <@Strong emphasis>
# XPress tag opening bold sections.
bold0 = <@$p>
# XPress tag closing bold sections.
acronym =
# XPress tag opening acronyms.
acronym0 =
# XPress tag closing acronyms.
figure =
# XPress tag opening figure groups.
figure0 =
# XPress tag closing figure groups.
adjust_digits = Yes
# If Yes, adjust digit-separating blanks.
space_points = Yes
# If Yes, space digit-separating points.
per_chapter = No
# If Yes, create one XTG file for each chapter.
# If No, create one XTG file for the entire document.
adjust_digits - Replace regular spaces between digits with thin spaces.
space_points - Insert a thin space after each point that separates digits.
per_chapter - Generate one XTG file per chapter. The file names consist of the chapter’s number and title. the files are written to the XTG_Chapters subdirectory.
You can define styles in fileHeader.XTG
, but it is preferable to use the names of styles that already exist in the QX book project instead.
List of templates
Project level templates
fileHeader.XTG - This template must contain at least the version code and encoding indication.
Chapter level templates
partTemplate.XTG - Chapter header; applied to chapters marked “section beginning”.
chapterTemplate.XTG - Chapter header; applied to all “used” and “normal” chapters unless a “part template” exists.
Section level templates
firstSectionTemplate.XTG - Applied to sections at the beginning of the chapter.
sectionTemplate.XTG - Applied to “used” sections within “normal” chapters.
sectionDivider.XTG - Section divider placed between sections.
appendedSectionTemplate.XTG - Applied to sections to be appended to the previous section.
There are two options:
“Project template” placeholders
$Title - Project title
$Desc - Project description
$AuthorName - Author’s name
$Language - Language code acc. to ISO 639-1
$Country - Country code acc. to ISO 3166-2
$CustomPlotProgress - Custom “Plot progress” field title
$CustomCharacterization - Custom “Characterization” field title
$CustomWorldBuilding - Custom “World building” field title
$CustomGoal - Custom “Goal” field title
$CustomConflict - Custom “Conflict” field title
$CustomOutcome - Custom “Outcome” field title
$CustomChrBio - Custom character “Bio” field title
$CustomChrGoals - Custom character “Goals” field title
“Chapter template” placeholders
$ID - Chapter ID,
$ChapterNumber - Chapter number (in sort order),
$Title - Chapter title
$Desc - Chapter description
$Notes - Chapter notes
$ProjectName - URL-coded file name without suffix and extension
$ProjectPath - URL-coded fpath to the project directory
$Language - Language code acc. to ISO 639-1
$Country - Country code acc. to ISO 3166-2
$ManuscriptSuffix - File name suffix of the manuscript
“Section template” placeholders
$ID - Section ID,
$SectionNumber - Section number (in sort order),
$Title - Section title
$Desc - Section description
$WordCount - Section word count
$WordsTotal - Accumulated word count including the current section
$Status - Section status (Outline, Draft etc.)
$SectionContent - Section content
$Date - Specific section date (YYYY-MM-DD)
$Time - Time section begins: (hh:mm)
$OdsTime - Time section begins: (PThhHmmMssS)
$Day - Day section begins
$ScDate - Date or day (localized)
$DateYear - Year
$DateMonth - Month (number)
$DateDay - Day (number)
$DateWeekday - Day of the week (name)
$MonthName - Month (name)
$LastsDays - Amount of time section lasts: days
$LastsHours - Amount of time section lasts: hours
$LastsMinutes - Amount of time section lasts: minutes
Duration - Combination of days and hours and minutes
$Scene - The sections’s kind of scene, if any
$Goal - The section protagonist’s goal
$Conflict - The section conflict
$Outcome - The section outcome
$Tags - Comma-separated list of section tags
$Characters - Comma-separated list of characters assigned to the section
$Viewpoint - Viewpoint character
$Locations - Comma-separated list of locations assigned to the section
$Items - Comma-separated list of items assigned to the section
$Notes - Section notes
$ProjectName - URL-coded file name without suffix and extension
$ProjectPath - URL-coded fpath to the project directory
$Language - Language code acc. to ISO 639-1
$Country - Country code acc. to ISO 3166-2
$ManuscriptSuffix - File name suffix of the manuscript
$SectionsSuffix - File name suffix of the section descriptions
$CustomPlotProgress - Custom “Plot progress” field title
$CustomCharacterization - Custom “Characterization” field title
$CustomWorldBuilding - Custom “World building” field title
$CustomGoal - Custom “Goal” field title
$CustomConflict - Custom “Conflict” field title
$CustomOutcome - Custom “Outcome” field title
Installation path
The setup script installs novx_xtg.pyw in a defined place. This is the installation path on Windows:
c:\Users\<user name>.novx\novx_xtg