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User guide

This page refers to the latest scap_novx release.

The scap_novx Python script creates a novelibre project from a Scapple outline.

Instructions for use

Intended usage

The included installation script prompts you to create a shortcut on the desktop. You can launch the program by dragging a scap file and dropping it on the shortcut icon.

Command line usage

Alternatively, you can

  • launch the program on the command line passing the scapple file as an argument, or

  • launch the program via a batch file.

usage: scap_novx.py [--silent] Sourcefile

positional arguments:


The path of the Scapple outline file.

optional arguments:

--silent suppress error messages and the request to confirm overwriting

Mode of operation

scap_novx generates a new novelibre project file with the same file name as the Scapple source file, but with the extension .novx. It is placed in the same directory as the source file.


If the novelibre project already exists, it would not be overwritten. Character/Location/Item XML files are generated instead. They can be imported into any novelibre project.

Conversion rules

  • Notes with a shadow are converted to sections.

  • Sections are ordered by their position in the Scapple diagram (from top left to bottom right).

  • Notes with a “cloud” border without shadow are converted to section and character notes.

  • Notes with a square border are converted to tags.

  • Notes with red text are converted to major characters.

  • Notes with purple text are converted to minor characters.

  • Notes with blue text are converted to locations.

  • Notes with green text are converted to items.

  • Assign characters/locations/items to a section by connecting the corresponding notes.

  • Assign tags to sections/characters/locations/items by connecting the corresponding notes.

  • Assign a viewpoint character to a section by creating an arrow pointing from the character to the section. If a section is pointed to by several characters, or by no character, the viewpoint is random.

How to mark notes for export

Import styles (optional)

The scap_novx distribution comes with a sample Scapple project styles.scap including all required styles.

You find this a sample project in the novelibre installation directory under

c:\Users\<user name>\.novx\scap_novx\sample\

You can either use this diagram as a template, or import the styles into your own Scapple diagram.


In the file picker dialog, select <unzipped scap_novx release folder>\sample\styles.scap. Then you can apply the styles via context menu.


Mark sections

Either apply the “Section” style, if any, via context menu, or tick “Shadow” in the Inspector to mark the note as section.


Mark notes

Either apply the “Note” style, if any, via context menu, or make the note’s border style “Cloud” in the Inspector.

Mark tags

Either apply the “Tag” style, if any, via context menu, or make the note’s border style “Square” in the Inspector.

Mark locations

Either apply the “Location” style, if any, via context menu, or tick the big blue field above the text color swatch in the Inspector.


Mark major characters

Either apply the “MajorCharacter” style, if any, via context menu, or tick the big red field above the text color swatch in the Inspector.

Mark minor characters

Either apply the “MinorCharacter” style, if any, via context menu, or tick the big purple field above the text color swatch in the Inspector.

Mark items

Either apply the “Item” style, if any, via context menu, or tick the big green field above the text color swatch in the Inspector.

Custom configuration

You can override the default settings by providing a configuration file. Be always aware that faulty entries may cause program errors.

Global configuration

An optional global configuration file can be placed in the configuration directory in your user profile. It is applied to any project. Its entries override scap_novx’s built-in constants. This is the path: c:\Users\<user name>\.novx\scap_novx\scap_novx.ini

Local project configuration

An optional project configuration file scap_novx.ini2novx.ini can be placed in your project directory, i.e. the folder containing your novelibre and Timeline project files. It is only applied to this project. Its entries override scap_novx’s built-in constants as well as the global configuration, if any.

How to provide/modify a configuration file

You find the a sample configuration file with the scap_novx default values in the novelibre installation directory under

c:\Users\<user name>\.novx\scap_novx\sample\

You best make a copy and edit it.

  • The SETTINGS section mainly refers to colors, i.e. The text colors that mark the characters/locations/items in Scapple. If you change them, the program might behave differently than described in the description of the conversion rules below.

  • The OPTIONS section comprises options for regular program execution.

  • Comment lines begin with a # number sign. In the example, refer to the code line immediately above.

This is the configuration file explained:


location_color = 0.0 0.0 1.0

# RGB text color that marks the locations in Scapple.

item_color = 0.0 0.5 0.0

# RGB text color that marks the items in Scapple.

major_chara_color = 1.0 0.0 0.0

# RGB text color that marks the major racters in Scapple.

minor_chara_color = 0.5 0.0 0.5

# RGB text color that marks the minor characters in Scapple.


export_sections = Yes

# Yes: create sections from Scapple notes.

export_characters = Yes

# Yes: create characters from Scapple notes.

export_locations = Yes

# Yes: create locations from Scapple notes.

export_items = Yes

# Yes: create items from Scapple notes.

Installation path

The setup script installs scap_novx.py in a defined place. This is the installation path on Windows:

c:\Users\<user name>\.novx\scap_novx