Section properties

The Section properties view opens in the right pane when you select a section in the tree.


Title and description

Title and description are displayed in an editable “index card”.

The editing of the title can be completed by pressing the Enter key. Changes to the description are applied when the mouse is clicked anywhere outside the text input field.


Tags are a very freely usable tool for labeling sections in the tree view. Tags do not have to be defined elsewhere, but simply entered in the input field separated by semicolons. Editing can be completed by pressing the Enter key.


If you want to use a tag more than once, make sure you use the same spelling in the different places.


The viewpoint character’s short name is displayed in the tree view. You can select it from a drop-down list containing all characters in the tree view’s sort order.


With the Unused checkbox, you can change the section type.

Append to previous section

When ticked, there will be no section divider inserted above the selected section in exported documents. The section just starts a new paragraph.


Expand or collapse this frame by clicking on the label.


Plot lines

Here you can assign the selected section to the plot lines it belongs to. The assigned plot lines are displayed in a list in the order they are assigned to the section.


A more convenient way to manage and keep track of plot line assignments is offered by the nv_matrix plugin.

You can also assign a section to a plot line by entering text in the corresponding Plot line notes cell of the plot grid.

Add plot line assignment

When clicking on Add, the “Pick mode” is activated, and the cursor changes to a “plus” shape. By clicking on a plot line, it will be related with the section.


You can exit the “Pick mode” without selecting an element by clicking on the highlighted status bar, or by pressing the Esc key.

Remove plot line assignment

When clicking on Remove or pressing the Del key, the selected plot line is removed from the list.

View the related element

When double-clicking on a plot line, or clicking on Goto, the selected plot line is opened and its properties are displayed.


You can go back to the initially selected section with Go back.

Plot line notes

You can enter section-related notes for the plot line selected in the list of related plot lines. These notes appear in the plot grid where you also can edit them.

Plot points

The plot points assigned with the selected section are displayed along with their plot lines.


To change or clear the plot point assignment, go to the plot point’s properties.


Expand or collapse this frame by clicking on the label.

Here is an example of an “action scene”:


Here is an example of a “reaction scene” or “sequel”:


There is a popular theory for “selling writers” that suggests novels are best divided into scenes, alternating between “action scenes” and “reaction scenes”, or “scenes” and “sequels”. If you want to implement something like this to ensure suspense, you can do so here.

If this is not for you, but you would like to use a different method to set up a dramaturgical scene micro-structure, you can set the section to Other, and get three freely named text fields.

Here is an example of a non-standard scene category:


On the other hand, not every section is a scene to which the categories mentioned above apply. Sections can be characterized by mode of discourse (e.g. Narration, Dramatic action, Dialogue, Description, Exposition). So if a section is not staged, you can set the section to Not a scene, and get three freely named text fields.

Here is an example of a non-staged section category:



Expand or collapse this frame by clicking on the label.


If you want to associate characters, locations, and items with the section, you can do it here by adding the element to a list of relationships.

Show ages

If a section is dated, you can call up the ages of the related characters who have birth dates.

Add Relationship

When clicking on Add, the “Pick mode” is activated, and the cursor changes to a “plus” shape. By clicking on a character/location/item, this element will be related with the section.


You can exit the “Pick mode” without selecting an element by clicking on the highlighted status bar, or by pressing the Esc key.

Remove Relationship

When clicking on Remove or pressing the Del key, the selected relationship is removed from the list.

View the related element

When double-clicking on a related element, or clicking on Goto, the selected element is opened and its properties are displayed.


You can go back to the initially selected section with Go back.


A convenient way to manage and keep track of relationships is offered by the nv_matrix plugin.


Here you can enter information about the selected section’s narrative time. Editing can be completed by pressing the Enter key.


Dedicated timeline software offers a more convenient way of entering date/time and duration information. So if chronology is important to your story, you might want to take a look at the Timeline plugin, or the Aeon Timeline 2 plugin.



If the selected section is a scene, this is when it starts:


Format: YYYY-MM-DD, according to ISO 8601.


Format: hh:mm, according to ISO 8601.


Format: Any number. Day “0” is the reference date, if set.


All entries are optional. You can either enter a date, or a day.

Moon phase

If the required date information is set, you can call up the corresponding moon phase.


The moon phase information consists of:

  • the phase day (0 to 29, where 0=new moon, 15=full etc.),

  • the visible shape,

  • the fraction illuminated.


The moon phase calculation is based on a ‘do it in your head’ algorithm by John Conway. In its current form, it’s only valid for the 20th and 21st centuries.

Clear date/time

This will reset Date, Time, and Day simultaneously.


This generates date and time from the date/time/duration data of the previous section, so the selected section follows directly the previous one.

Convert date/day

If the reference date is set, The unspecific Day can be transformed into a specific Date, and vice versa.


If necessary, you can convert all sections at once in the Book properties view.



Any number should be accepted.


If a number greater than 24 is entered, the number of days will be automatically increased.


If a number greater than 60 is entered, the number of hours will be automatically increased.

Clear duration

This will reset Days, Hours, and Minutes simultaneously.


This generates the duration from the date/time data of the next section, so the next section follows directly the current one.

“Sticky note”

The yellow text area is for notes. Changes are applied when the mouse is clicked anywhere outside the text input field.

When the “sticky note” of a section contains text, “N” is displayed in the tree view as a reminder. If the branch of a chapter with sections containing notes is collapsed, the “N” is displayed in the chapter row.