Location/item properties

The Location/item properties view opens in the right pane when you select a location or an item in the tree.

Title and description


Title and description are displayed in an editable “index card”.

The editing of the title can be completed by pressing the Enter key. Changes to the description are applied when the mouse is clicked anywhere outside the text input field.


This entry field is for alias names. Editing can be completed by pressing the Enter key.


Tags are a very freely usable tool for labeling locations and items in the tree view. Tags do not have to be defined elsewhere, but simply entered in the input field separated by semicolons. Editing can be completed by pressing the Enter key.


If you want to use a tag more than once, make sure you use the same spelling in the different places.


The nv_zim plugin can adopt keywords when creating a new wiki page for the location or item. This provides a powerful navigation aid.

“Sticky note”

The yellow text area is for notes. Changes are applied when the mouse is clicked anywhere outside the text input field.

When the “sticky note” of a location or item contains text, “N” is displayed in the tree view as a reminder. If the branch of a chapter with sections containing notes is collapsed, the “N” is displayed in the chapter row.