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User guide

This page refers to the latest nv_tlview release. You can open it with Help > Timeline view Online help or with F1.

nv_tlview is a plugin providing a timeline view with sections that are given a narrative date/day and time.

The plugin adds a Timeline view entry to the novelibre Tools menu, and a Timeline view Online help entry to the Help menu. The Toolbar gets a Timeline button.

novelibre Screenshot


Start the Timeline view

  • Open the Timeline view either from the main menu: Tools > Timeline view,

  • or via the Timeline button in the toolbar.

Mouse scrolling

  • Scroll the timeline horizontally with Shift-Mousewheel.

  • Scroll the timeline vertically with the mousewheel.

  • Scroll the timeline in any direction by right-clicking on the canvas and dragging the mouse.

  • Increase or reduce the time scale with Ctrl-Mousewheel.

  • Change the distance limits for stacking with Shift-Ctrl-Mousewheel.

Selecting a section in the novelibre project tree

  • Select a section by double klicking on a timeline marker. This will bring the novelibre application window in the foreground.

Shifting a section in time

  • Hold down the Shift button and click on the timeline marker, then drag it with the mouse. This will move the section forward or backward in time while keeping the duration.

Shifting the section end

  • Hold down the Ctrl and Shift buttons and click on the timeline marker, then drag it with the mouse. This will increase or decrease the section’s duration while keeping the start date/time.


  • Shifting operations with the mouse can be aborted with the Esc key before releasing the mouse button.

  • Shifting operations with the mouse can be undone with undo.

Command reference

“Go to” menu

First event

Shift the timeline so that the earliest event is positioned near the left edge of the window.

Last event

Shift the timeline so that the latest event is positioned near the right edge of the window.

Selected section

Shift the timeline so that the section selected in the novelibre project tree is positioned in the center of the window.

“Scale” menu


This sets the scale to one hour per line.


This sets the scale to one day per line.


This sets the scale to one year per line.

Fit to window

This sets the scale and moves the timeline, so that all sections with valid or substituted date/time information fit into the window.

“Substitutions” menu

Use 00:00 for missing times
  • If ticked, “00:00” is used as display time for sections without time information. This does not affect the section properties.

  • If unticked, sections without time information are not displayed.

“Cascading” menu

The section marks are stacked on the timeline canvas, so that they would not overlap or cover the title of previous sections. If the stacking algorithm does not seem good enough to you, you can adjust its limits.


Arrange consecutive events behind each other, even if they are close together.


Arrange consecutive events in a stack, even if they are some distance apart.


Reset the cascading to default.


You can fine-tune the stacking limits with Shift-Ctrl-Mousewheel.

“Help” menu

Online help

Open this help page in a web browser.